Whilst Fitting Or Just Prior To Fitting Does Anyone Suffer Flash Backs To Earlier In Life. For Example Something You Did As A Kid Holiday
Prior to suffering fits I have resently been suffering flashbacks to things in earlier life, nothing bad just things like holiday or sporting event. I know it sounds strange but does happen. Also, loss of balance for know reason as I keep getting this everyday but only in the mornings ?
Those flashbacks might be absence seizures. To you, you are "flashing back", to anyone else you are spacing out.
Staring spell?
That's how I describe mine.
It's strange that to me, I am usually having odd flashbacks to my past from my point of view, and people with me are trying to"snap at me" back into reality.
Sometimes I totally zone out and think of nothing and stare.
You are not alone.
I like to say onset absencs seizures and seizure while sleeping. Try to gwt out of bes slowly.
I do think that it is epilepsy related. Sometimes it seems like I've had a flashback or even stranger sometimes it seems like a flashback, but I've never been there or met the people. It just seems like it has a familiarity of something I really miss. It's a feeling when I come back to reality. Odd huh?!
Sorry to hear that Mer, it does sound strange. Do you think it is epilepsy reated or something else?
My husband whole family zones out . When I question them some say just thinking and others say don't no what your talking about. My mother inlaw watches TV eyes open but she says she sleeping. I think it a act that isn't funny.
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