Do You Get More Or Less Nervous Riding With A Certain Person Compared To Another? Or Do You Just Not Let It Bother You ?
There are many friends and families, who have driven me to places. Some are fast drivers, some may be cautious, people who easily get road rage. I myself don’t, let any of them get to my nerves ,since I’ve never been in control of driving .
I get nervous and afraid when I am in the car with my husband. He is a fast driver, does not like to wait behind other cars, and loves to pass other cars. I close my eyes and only then can I ease my nerves.
Hubby will be changing his driving habits. We are entering into a safe driving program with our auto insurance company to save money on our auto insurance.
I haven’t driven in almost ten years. Over that time I’ve been a passenger with many drivers. Most were excellent, but some were not so good. When it comes to being a passenger, I’m not any braver than the next person, but I’ve been prepared to die for many years now, so if the road gets rough I’ve learned it’s best to just close my eyes, lean back and enjoy the ride. 😊
I just get nervous period
. It doesn't matter who is driving..
I think it depends, I hear ya though, some people that drive are ok, I will say something about it if I don't think it's a good thing and such, I think safety is a priority for me and whoever is with me driving at the time, my opinion
I don't get Nervous cause I have had Med- Ride take me to my Dr Appts. Then I have had Damily take me. I know who I'm riding with so I'm not Nervous
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After Not Being Able To Drive Like Back In The Day, Do You Find It A Bother Doing It, Curious About This ❓