Favorite Or Best Way You Found To Consume CBD Oil?
CBD Oils! Seems like everyone is talking about this topic. But what about the consumption of these oils? What are your favorite and/or most effective ways you like to consume CBD? Vape pen, under the tongue? Let me know!!
I started using cbd and so far havent had a seizure since. I was starting to have jerks a lot. I won't know for a while if its truly effective but I've found so many unexpected benefits.
www.koioil.com. like the fish. there is 100mg, 250mg, 500mg, and 1,000mg. i use 500mg and i have a 1/2 a dropper at night. i used to have seizures every night before the cbd oil but after the first drop i am seizure free for a week. so i increase my strength from 250 to 500 and i am seizure free since then. i think its about 4 to 5 months seizure free.
koi cbd oil by tongue. thay have a 3rd party test the quality of it. a lot of cbd oil doesnt have that.
Lol agreed the taste is bitter. But worth it.
Is the oil you are taking come from hemp? From my research hemp derived oil is better for us epileptics. Lower thc levels. High thc gives my arms the jitters.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member the funny thing is my mom works at a private med bill and works side by side with drs. and about your question... yes i take my meds but thats because i need it (like an add/adhd kid would). i got accustomed to it. i have hired and fired so many types and kinds of drs. and i used to have many drs at 3 different hospitals. i still have maybe 2-3 drs right now. remember, listen to your gut feeling. if it dosent look right, change it.
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