Menstrual Cycle
Lady’s do you seem to have more episodes/ seizures around your period? My epilepsy only tends to play up the week before and the week after my period!? Does anyone else have similar symptoms?
Yes! I even went on the pill in hopes of preventing seizures through hormone stabilization. It made things worse because my blood pressure went through the roof and the neurologist was mad at me for not consulting first.
Seizures during you cycle are called catamenial epilepsy. They happen because of the hormonal changes in your body.
yes i do i seem to have more serzuire around my period the night before i am due on or three days into it and when i am not on i can end up having a serzire i can least up to 4/5 days and then i end up having a fit and i dont know why this happens.
can u get a learning difficulity when you are suffering with epilepsy.
Yes it does!! Since I got grand mal seizures in 2010. They started to acted up the week before, the week after, & sometimes even during my period. I only get little seizures due to all my medications & have emergency ones also. It never happened to me before but I had tremors & then had brain surgery which was seizure free for 5 years. The Dr.'s all told me it's very common for it to happen at your period due to everything your body is going through & that's why most people pregnant have a high risk compared to others.
My seizures get really bad when I'm on my period I hate it so much.
This Question Pertains To Women. Have Any Of You Been Diagnosed With Catamenial Epilepsy?
Has Anyone Started Having Seizures When There Menstrual Started? Mine Started When I Started 17.
I Think I Have Seizures Is Because Of My Menstrual. Who Has Seizures Because Of Your Menstrual?