Has Anyone Experienced A Focal Seizure? Also Known As Simple Complex Seizures?
I have suffered from them for 36 years after neuro surgery for removal of a pituitary tumour in 1986. I originally called them an Apoplexy but several years later I realised that they are Auras, a dread feeling with déjà vu or strange sensation while staying awake. I had one years ago while watching tv and it felt like the tv program I was watching was directed at me 🥺.
I just relax and breathe deeply in & out until the sensation has passed.
I have also had complex partial seizures as well where I am not aware of what I’m doing and my family members tell me and film the seizures but I’m having them less now but I still have the Auras or simple partial seizures especially when I don’t get enough sleep, I’m constipated or my sodium is too low. I try and get enough sleep and use my cpap machine (I have sleep apnea as well), I drink pear juice to keep me regular (prune juice when it’s really bad) and also drink Hydralyte (or have a frozen Hydralyte ice block or two)
I have complex partial seizures. I have a hard time remembering . I walk into a room and wonder what I went in for.
yes i have focal seizures as well as many others but latly ive only had very small focal seizures due to my vns helping me with my epilepsy
That's pretty much what I do too. Except mine lasted for 2 - 15 minutes before my surgery. Now they last 5 seconds to 1 min with me for about 5 mins to 15 mins sometimes with me talking in between. I guess that would be simple complex. I fidget through the seizures.
I have Focal impairment awareness, AKA , Complex Partial Seizures. I rarely know when I seizure.. sometimes I may get some type of clue.
— my hands may trimmer or shake
— my heart will race
— I may spill food or a drink
— if I find myself on the floor and I was previously standing or walking
Those are a few clues, that tell me thatI seizured. That happens rarely. Most of the time my family or friends alert me when I have a seizure, when I did get any clue. A lot of times I’m in shock , because I did notice or get any clue.
I Stare, And My Face Goes Blank When I Will Have A Seizure. During One, I Move My Eyebrows And Do Movements. What Is An Aura?
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