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Anyone Know Why My Seizures Have Increased Since Getting Clean Off Drugs And Alcohol?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Kearns, UT

So before I went into treatment I went 2 years with only having 10 seizures the whole 2 years. I could drive, I worked, I could be alone. Now I have been in treatment for drugs and alcohol for 8 months and ever since I have been clean I have had a seizure every week if not more. My doctor monitored me the whole time in residential and day treatment since I wasnt allowed to work but now that I am in IOP and I have to pay rent and for food I need a job. But my neurologist won't clear me to work so… read more

March 10, 2019
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Ask God then listen and let Him have it. I know it sounds clechie... I'm out of options too. It's hard and frustrating, tiresome, etc. God bless you

March 12, 2019
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

1/ Stress. You turned to coping mechanisms. You now have to face reality without a coping mechanism. The emotional stress is freaking you out. You seizure activity increases.
2/ i have no short answer here. If you have at least 1 seizures month for X amount of months in a row and they interfere with your work and...and....and...You might qualify for disability. There's a lot of "ands".
You have to wait 6 months to apply, and....for most it takes more than a year to get approved for and...You may need an attorney.

March 10, 2019
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I had learned in school while taking an course on addiction is that drugs and alcohol effects the central nervous system . I had to learn about it on how to supports individuals with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder.

Think of your central nervous system and brain as an electrical box. Each curcuit breaker is built to control certain areas of the house. Just like each area of the brain controls your central nervous system, which then tells your body how to function.
If just like the electrical wires in the house, if ithe wires gets damaged, the electricity in the house wi not work.
In the body, when someone is abusing drugs and alcohol, the messages from the brain, through the central nervous system to the body parts do not communicate properly. It can take a long time to "rewire" the brain to communicate with the rest of the body.
I have enclosed a couple websites that might help explain more to you.

I hope this helps and that you can start feeling better soon.

March 10, 2019
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Could it be the stress of your situation? I know that large amounts of stress are my triggers. I wonder if it could be the same for you

March 10, 2019
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Pray. Ask God to help you. And get a second opinion. There’s got to be something to control them!! Sending prayers!!!

March 10, 2019

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