Can The Standard ‘postictal’ Phase Happen Before A Seizure?
I have been doing a lot of research about different disorders and their symptoms etc. and the different parts of a seizure, and it seems that I almost experience the postictal phase of being less alert, making jumbled up sentences and slurring words, loss of motor coordination and balance, staring, and loss of cognitive function; before I have the seizure. And then straight after the seizure I basically can sit straight up and talk straight away. I am conscious throughout the whole seizure but… read more
All the symptoms you describe I get too. Turns out after seeing a neurologist and having an MRI done that these symptoms are a seizures. I had all of these problems, thinking I was having a Trans Ischemic Attack,
(mini stroke) before having two major nocturnal seizures (Tonic/Clonic)
This is what happens to me. You're actually having the seizure when this is happening
Yes I had three of these seizures (called focal or partial seizures) right after my second subdural hematoma surgery this past February. I was completely aware of my surroundings, knew what I wanted to say but couldn't form the words correctly, my entire right side went pins and needles. It lasted about 1-1/2 minutes (maybe a bit longer) and then I was perfectly able to talk properly again. Obviously they were the result of the two surgeries so close together (within 9 days) because I have never had any kind of seizure my whole life and I am 71. But they have completely changed my life! I was put on Keppra, can't drive, experience slurred or hesitant speech frequently and now am having dizzy spells with subsequent headache which only lasts up to 15 seconds. Just had a CT scan three days ago and the brain cavity was clear of fluid, which was a great relief. Having a 72 hour EEG next week to see if these seizures are happening at night without my realizing it.. You are not alone but it is very frustrating!!
When You Seizures Triggered Did Your Temper Go Manic?
What Happens When Someone Had A Seizure In There Sleep. Will They Come Back From Passing Out?
Passed Out For 4 Days After A Seizure, Am I Asleep Or In A Continuing Siezure? I Woke Up At The Hospital .