VNS Magnets
Do VNS magnets run on batteries? Just wondering. My husband was wondering how they could damage computers, cell phones , and the like.
Let me correct myself. The magnet is the same as one stuck on a refrigerator. No magnet needs a battery, it has its own natural force.
I don't know how old you and your husband are but if you look ir even remember them real old stereos they would work with batteries or plugged in the wall just imagine the VNS working like that that's the best way I can think of for you to understand maybe like that
Because the pacemaker we have inside us is electrical and the magnetic is what makes the pacemaker stop our seizures when to us it looks like just a magnet you could say it is electrical if you look at a pacemaker you will see all them wires we have connected to us
The VNS Magnet is Super strong and it can damage any digital or computer device ( TV, lap and desktop computer, watches, iPads/tablet, cell phones, video game consoles and ect.
Any magnet can damage a computer. It will damage the screen and more importantly the memory of a computers memory.
Vns Therapy
Question…what Is The Magnet Used For ??
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