Epilepsy And Compulsive Lying
Hi I'm new here and just looking for some answers. My 26 yr old son was diagnosed with Epilepsy 4 years ago. He has had several seizures throughout the years but handles it with Kepra. My question is he has become a compulsive liar. It's driving myself, and family and friends crazy with lies that are told that literally make no sense in why they would be told. I'm trying to get him to go seek counseling but was just wondering if this could be something related to the Epilepsy?
Im sure Keppra isnt the cause of his telling lies. Keppre though is a medication i would not recommend to anyone. I remember when the doctors put me on that one I couldn't walk or evem talk straight. Yourvson may just feel uncomfortable and believe what he is saying in reference to the lies, or being combative dealing with his diagnosis and news ways of living being epileptic with a routine of medication. Dont take him to a head doctor your his, ket him know that you both will get through this. Taking him to a doctor may lead to another diagnosis. Believe me i know, i became a schizophrenic, and also suffer from bipolar disorder NOS, (not otherwise specified) a doctors guess. I am a survivor of a TBI which led to my epilepsy. I did and continue to do my own research. God bless, if you have any questions please ask.
Your son is probably suffering from depression which can come from keppra. It's unlikley to cause liars, but he probably remembers what it was like before he became ill.
no, keppra side effect is mostly mood swings (keppra rage), sleepy, and dizzy.
No, he may be combating his illness by regressing to telling lies. Like Randy stated, the meds have different side effects, read them all. Your boy may be just learning how to deal with his condition also involving the new limitations and restrictions. Tell him about this site, allow him to create his own membership and build new relationships with people similar to him. We have to learn that we dont have to live with these new limitations and restrictions only work around them. Asking the neurologist may or may not be beneficial, i remember telling my neurologist about my auras and dejavu experiences, and he asked me to speak with a psychiatrist.
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