Does Anyone Else Have Random Jerk Like Movements And Do They Know What It Is Or What It's Caused By?
I would say it was this year that I started getting these random jerking movements. Sometimes it would be my arm sometimes leg, sometimes whole upper body. Sometimes just the head. They come at complete random, and at start they were at extremely rare occurrence, maybe twice in a month or so. But then recently it progressed there was one day where it was going on for the entire afternoon/ evening. Someone who witnessed them suggested it being seizures, but I'm completely alert, awake, and my… read more
I get the twitches also and they are seizures. Very small ones, but they leave an impact.
I arms...right before I have a seizure...and then I get my black red and blue circle ⭕ and then i know to lay down.
I've had muscle twitches and jerking movements during the day. My neurologist told me it could be partial seizures.
This article explains very clearing the jerks and awareness.
Yes I think it just goes along with having epilepsy
Limb Jerks
Does Anyone Have Leg Jerks While Trying To Sleep? Is It A Side Effect Of XCopri? I Never Experienced That Until Taking XCopri.
Does Anybody Get Jerks Or Twitches Or Contractions Of Joints On Only ONE Side?