My Seizure Triggers
I need some input on dealing with seizures that are seriously affected by brightness outside where I live? Any tips or ideas ?
I’ve been wearing Z1s for the past year now and I can tell you they have reduced my headache frequency and intensity that I experienced from bright lights. I wish I had gotten them years earlier!
There are glasses, that is for helping, to reduce photosensitive type seizures.
They are blues lenses. They are called Zeiss Z1 blue lens
The new name for ZEISS z1 lenses is Zeiss F133 lenses
Look for Zeiss F133 lenses and medical paper by Dr Capovilla
Z1 blue lenses
Does Anyone Get Triggered By Rain On A Windshield?
Anyone Have A Certain Smell Of Herbs Ect That Can Trigger A Seizure?
Question About Triggers