Inside I'm hurt , I do not understand how they could label me and stereotyped me and ignore me and I do not feel good ,no matter what I am always I'm always fit for court no matter how sick i am, countless JPD does not care that i Have epilepsy. Their it's no none d.o.c. option and I dislike how everybody ignoring me and my needs even though I am disabled here for everything else saying it is all factitious no matter what ,so sick Im over it . How come it is the department of Veterans… read more
Think /write down all the positives in your life There will be loads.Read up as much as you can &remember ,this is your body , I'm sure you'll find a professional but ensure they listen to you ,rather than talk AT you (keeping a diary is also important ,include the positives as well as EP issues Stay strong Don't let epilepsy ruin your life
Who are all Stereotyping you? Is it the people in general, or are they the Dr.’s ?
Most people in general don’t understand Epilepsy. What they do think think they know, are all myths. Overall they are more in fear of you. Now if it’s the Dr.’s, then they are just idiots or weren’t Educated well enough to know how to treat you.
I understand, that you feel like you’re in a downward spiral 🌀, but you need to keep fighting and keep in contact with us so we can help support and help you through all this. I myself went through similar issues when I was a teen, now in my 40s. I felt suicidal, because I felt that I was the only one with this disorder. I was being harassed, criticized, and lost a few people, because I scared the %#*+ out of them felt no one understood me. It wasn’t until I started going to an Epilepsy Support Group,through the Epilepsy Foundation. They helped me a lot. They helped me realize, I wasn’t the only one with this condition. I learnt a bunch from my group and the staff. They raised me out of my downward spiral that I was in at that time.
Today I can cope with, my disorder. I understand alot more, because of my support group. A Epilepsy Foundation staff from that group told us that we control our lives not Epilepsy. Epilepsy just throws obstacles in our path. I realize that Epilepsy is just a fact of life for me. It will never go away until I’m gone. We have to try keep positive, keep our stress down and take it one day at a time. Keep Battling your an Epilepsy Warrior now.
Jack Asses
Go Against Family Dr Advice And Do What I Think Is Best For Me With My Epilepsy A D Seizure Medicine?
Does Anyone Know What, If Any, Fillers Are Used In Generic Medicines?
Is Anyone Taking Vimpat Along With Any Other. My Doctor Added The Lowest Dosage To Take Along With Lamictal Xr And Primidone