Would Any Of You Like To Pick A Spot And Meet In Person, As A Group, Maybe Sometime After The Holidays?
I would truly love to meet all of you. Hopefully some day in person and thank you for the help and support that you all have given me. That helps keep me going at times, only because my cats don't talk back and my Dr says they shouldn't & if ever they do, I need to call him first.
i would love that... but 1 huge problem. we are world wide. i live in in corn country (indiana, usa), some live in th uk, and some live in australia. the only ligical thing to meet is to skype or zoom.
i am open to an online chat.... i am down here in Louisiana.... i dont care for skype or zoom but will use them... i want to find something a little better but not sure yet... skype is run by microsoft and that means issues
i am going to set up a junk e mail for anyone here to contact me
but i am on telegram https://t.me/myale1987 you can connect with me there and then we can plan a real chat... i dont know what this weekend will be like we are supposed to get hit with very cold weather starting tonight
btw telegram is both on the fone andriod and apple but it does have a desktop stand alone program which you can use
take care
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member i like skype more then zoom. both do there jobs well, just skype has 2 hours free and zoom has 45 minutes. also zoom adds on fees for every charge after the free time is up. skype will just cut you off after 4 hours. both will notifiey you if you are about to go over the limit. and zoom is unlimmited calls for the year and skype has 100 hours a month.
Zoom might be easier for us all. I'll talk to my therapist and see what she can help me set up, if all would truly like π
Well, Stephanie lives in OK. I'm in NY. Sounds like you and Bryan are close(ish). Or Zoom.
? As For Cooking, I Usually Have My Wife Make Them But Do You Like To Cook Every Once In Awhile, I Do, But A Few Times Though, 1 To 3 Times
Do The Holidays Have A Effect On The Condition (s) We Have Or Not?
Meet & Greet