Has Anyone Found A Good Anti-suffocation Pillow In The States? Whats Out There??
The 2 ive used/seen are from the Uk. Very slow and pricey shipping(50-150 shipping) These pillow are thin and go flatter even faster, my son hates them. So im searching for breathable pillows available here in the USA. Once someone mentioned the purple pillow, but its heavy(10 lbs) and made of the foam core stuff. I looked at a buckwheat pillow claiming to be the most breathable. Another concern is adding a pillow cover can negate the breathability(cotton) I think silk fiber is better. Id love… read more
Where do you find these pillows? My son needs one, I think. He does have seizures in his sleep. I have gone to check on him in the middle of the night, and he was having a seizure, so I sat on the side of the bed until he was ok again. I'm petrified that he will have a seizure and die, because he stops breathing until his lips turn blue
I did not know there was such a thing.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Im shocked insurance is covering it-thats great! At the time they did not and the app/assist is 30.00 month. We went witht he apple watch after ready customer reviews on which worked better and looking like a regular health watch is a bonus for a teen!
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I cant seem to find these pillows in the states or something similar. We use an apple watch with a seizure detection/alert/call/location/heartrate called SeizeAlert. It works fairly well but its a fairly draining app on the watch so needs to be recharged every 8 hours. So of course his most recent seizure the watch was dead. This is the only thing he uses on it so we thought it would last at least a day. I need to call the app maker and see if this is normal.
Same here and I also track my sleep schedule too. With mine which I tried to hide from my Dr today he knows though and I'm a clown 🤡 but still says I need better sleep
Suffocation And Nocturnal Tonic Clonics
Anyone Trying To Use Cpap For Sleep Apnea And Have Epilepsy Also?
Pillows And Seizures