What Is The Correct Time To Vent To Your Friends Here? Should You Make It Clear That You Are?
I ask this one for several reasons. The first is for those who do not already realize that most friends are ready and willing for you to vent. The second is more important to changing my start of venting by letting friends understand that this is exactly what I am doing.
Finally, it is important to hear from friends who do not want to hear you vent (especially depending upon the topic) and might block you (the equivalent of Facebook's stop following a person's postings. Or they might even… read more
Go for it John! I think this site was created to be a place to share your struggles, triumphs, loneliness, anger and many other feelings that the majority of us will understand and emphasize with. I'm not on Facebook but I know about the joy created by likes and loves and I think we do (or have the potential) much more for each other.
Good Morning Everyone,
The correct time to vent is when you have issues related to this disease. This is a website to vent to but also a website to get educated about what happened to you after a first, second or third seizure. I joined after my third grand mal seizure, when I was put on anti-seizure medication and no one was telling me about this disease. I have learned a lot, been given comfort and began to get better. I am still having seizures but not as many every month. That is encouraging.
Therefore, yes vent if you must but give the reason for the vent, try to provide information, and come back to the website at some point to let everyone know the vent helped.
GO FOR IT! VENT all you want. I do it ALL THE TIME! My hubby get's the most of it. Of course I usually say I'm SORRY later, but it sure feel good WHEN U VENT!
God Bless,
that's exactly what we do here on this- BITCH, COMPLAIN, ETC to the only people that understand and don't judge.
So I don't use my platforms as a venting tool. I try and keep mine in a positive mindset to be there for people who need someone to be there for them this medical condition is very difficult to master. I've been seizure free since 93, And very happy for that as well. I try and lift people up even when my everyday life is very chaotic with family and health issues. Have a safe free epilepsy day.
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