What Does One Do If There's A New Improved Med You Are On, And Your Doc Ask You To Take It Or Try It, Here Is My ? About That More Below
I'm kinda curious about this ❓ I'm on my current meds and I am ok with that, but as for the? What if they developed a new improved formula and it's supposed to be and let's say it is, what if you are ok with the meds you are currently taking? And it's a newer version of the previous ones, but would there be dif side effects on the med because of the new formula? And what if the meds you on your ok with and so is your doc, I'm curious, what do you think about this ❓ and your thoughts
It's understandable to have concerns about potential side effects when considering switching epilepsy medications. However, if your doctor recommends a newer medication, it's important to have an open discussion about the reasons for the change and weigh the risks and benefits. Some things to consider discussing with your Show Full Answer
My doctor and I would discuss it and if he felt it would help me have fewer seizures, benefit to my health, and no negative side effects, I would temporarily try it.My goal is be become seizure free.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
If the medication I’m on had has lessened on controlling my seizures or I’m experiencing bad side effects from being on it too long, my Dr. may talk to me about changing meds. If there’s a new AED medication on the market and it works well with my type of seizures, my Dr. may bring it up for an option for changing meds
Dave to satisfy your curiosity do what am doing and what am planning. I'll starting a drug trial in about two weeks or so . I keep everyone up to date. I have my intake on the 14 of October. . The cool thing it is paid and they pay for transport. ericthom3
Med? Are You Ok With The Meds You Are Taking? And What If They Came Up With A New Improved Med Of That Would You Take It Or Be Okay, More
? As For Meds, If Your Doc Had A New Med Or An Improved Med You Are Taking Would You Take It Or Stay With The One You're Ok With? More
Is It Ok? Being On The Meds We Are Taking, And You Had Some Of Your Old Meds You Were Taken Off By Doc, And You Ran Out Of Your Current One