Med? Are You Ok With The Meds You Are Taking? And What If They Came Up With A New Improved Med Of That Would You Take It Or Be Okay, More
I'm neutral on the question here I'm asking about here, I was diagnosed with my condition and had been put on Dilantin and phenobarbital at first at 7, but then met a new doc and around 1992 she asked me what I was doing and who prescribed that med, I didn't seem to have a prob with those I was prescribed but she changed my meds for the ones I am taking now, divaprolex or depakote, and levetiracetam or keppra, I am ok with that also, but what if your doc has a new med and is a supposed better… read more
I have tried almost everything out there since I have hard to control epilepsy. My current doctor talked me into just trying the onfi generic with what I was taking now. Since I was having breakthrough seizures. So I did try it this was just a couple of years ago. It was not one that was on the list of ones that don't work or bad reactions to. So it did start calming my seizures down at half way up the dose and by full dose I wasn't having any more breakthrough seizures. According to the veeg it really calms my brain waves. At this point I haven't had a seizure for a year now so I'm staying on all my meds. I'm glad I tried it when she suggested it.
It's understandable to feel comfortable continuing with medications that seem to be working well in managing your epilepsy. Many people do choose to stay on medications they tolerate without issues. However, new medications may offer benefits like fewer side effects or more convenient dosing. Having an open discussion with Show Full Answer
Sorry to hear that Sean2. That sounds like ur basically in the hands of those around u. It has to be uncomfortable and hard for u. Specially when u don’t have any memory afterwards. While I don’t know what’s happening around me for around half hour b4 I have one- but I still can carry on a conversation that makes sense. I don’t know what I’m saying or doing, I can still function. And of course I don’t have any memory of the seizure and almost always sleep for 3 hrs afterwards. But to not have any memory afterwards has to be hard. And it sounds like u’ve had quite a few operations in trying to prevent them or at least give u some warning signs they are coming. I feel for u. At least u sound optimistic that sometime they might come up with something that will work for u; and that’s so important. And along with ur network of friends and family it’s important
Take care of urself as best as u can and never give up hope.
U might need a cocktail of different medications to help u Sean2. Up till 3 yrs ago I was on 3 different medications daily plus one for the as/when - if u could feel one coming on; or if I had one in public and they would put it in for me ( dissolvable), so u might have to have a “ cocktail “ of different types all at once in order to get the right balance
I agree with you and somewhat think that way, but I am ok with your thoughts about this, I'd try out as well, but If let's say where my current condition is going south, I'm going to put a stop in that, and go to where it was ok with how I had it before, but it depends with me, but I'm ok with new stuff and medical field stuff etc, but I am not going to be doing anything that is not doing me and my body any good, but I'll consider it and go from there, my opinion, I hang in there and try and stay pos, and so can you, my opinion here on this ❓@
What Does One Do If There's A New Improved Med You Are On, And Your Doc Ask You To Take It Or Try It, Here Is My ? About That More Below
? As For Meds, If Your Doc Had A New Med Or An Improved Med You Are Taking Would You Take It Or Stay With The One You're Ok With? More
A ? I'm Curious About, Below