How Long Did It Take You To Recover And Adjust After Having A Seiziure And A Medicaton Dosage Increase?
I saw a similar question posted somewhere else the only difference is the question was: How long does it take you to recover after a seiziure?
And I thought well it's a great question but it doesn't really take into account the adjustment time if there is also a dosage increase. So I thought I would re-ask the question here but with the dosage increase taken into account.
Just to give some context to this I had a TC seizure about 4 months ago now there was a dosage increase I have recovered… read more
I'm reading this with 1 eye.
It takes me sometimes a couple of weeks. This is to get back to myself.
Every medication has a different effect to us . Plus everyone reacts differently to them them too. Them. When getting increased ,it pretty similar the side effect may get worse of possibility help you better
I had my meds dosage adjusted a few times and it is different when it happens, but I have gotten my meds ok with my current condition and doc is ok with that also, more stable than before but ok with, depends on the new medication and how ones body adjust with it, my opinion
my experience. With Grann mall as. Well a focal. BE Mindful Mindful aboutt about the difference
So Over All...if You Take Keppra, Would You Say That Eventually My Dose Will Be Increased?
Anyone Else Usually Have Some Issues When You Go To The Next Step On An Increase Of Meds.
Has Anyone Had An Increase Of Seizures After Epilepsy Surgery?