High Fructose Corn Syrup And Seizure Connection...?
Did anyone else ever seriously wonder about the connection between things like H.F.C.S., or man-made preservatives or for that matter, anything you can't pronounce (without a pharmacy degree) stuck in food today and their condition
I've been into natural/herbal/Eastern medicine for the last 35 years trying to figure out the root cause of my seizures basically on my own (no help from the numerous doctors in my life -another mile long story!) and I may have hit on something, but I think in… read more
Just about everything changed when I stopped eating white sugar and no longer have COPD or so much as a yearly cold but I still have severe seizures due to head injury the kind that put you in the hospital for a couple weeks at a time and I'm very thin because I take Topamax or to paramate it takes your appetite and there's just nothing I can do... I'm so glad I found this site I have so many questions like why do they just want to put me on so many drugs for anxiety and depression of which I am neither... I get sad but I sure don't want to kill myself and every now and then I'm anxious but I do not have panic attacks and believe me I know the difference... I will not take those drugs the one I take for seizures is bad enough...
There are diets specific for epilepsy help.
The research problem with food specifically is sensitivity and allergies, already known issues to cause seizures. A few others are age, hormones, and stress. Stress of any kind or level. Whether it be body or mental, which can also be a contributor to why you started getting seizures again. To say that the diets recommended will help or cure, I do not know personally, I haven’t tried, probably should, but others like it and say it really works. I know there are GeneSight testings that find the meds best suited for you. And if you feel indifferent about a provider please find one you are comfortable with.
Food Diet?
I Have Heard Some Essentail Oils Are Bad For Epilepsy, Does Anyone Know Witch Ones Those Might Be.
Anyone Ever Try A Keto Diet? I Want To Try It Out But I Don’t Know Where To Begin.