Would You Do A Video Eeg With An Invasive Procedure To Confirm Diagnosis?
So based on my auras and seizure activity, my doctor is pretty sure of where my seizures are occurring? Tricky part, is my MRI and scalp eeg came out clean, suggesting that my seizures are occurring deep in the brain that an MRI and scalp egg can't pick up. One of the ways to confirm the theory is to do an seeg where you go under general anesthesia, drill tiny holes in your head and stick wires right on top of the brain and stay in the hospital to record seizure activity. I've done video egg… read more
The Seeg procedure is pretty good. I'm not to sure how it's used at the moment but when it first came about it was only ever used as a prep for surgery.
I have done 3 different VEEGs to decide whether or not I was a candidate for the treatment.
Yeah I wish I had an answer for everything. I recently had a 3t MRI to get more detail and while waiting for the results im thinking I hope it's OK then again I hope they can see something. My result was no significant abnormalities shown. Although to be fair they did say they think it would come back as normal and we would have to further investigate its just so frustrating trying to go on in life as 'normal' and that everything's ok but it's really not!
Yeah. I’m just taking it one step at a time. I think finding an answer would be a good first step.
It was an almost fatal accident that led me to my VEEG and fortunately, after I had two of the worst seizures I ever had in the last 24 hours, I got the OK for surgery. I was ready to take any chances including an SEEG if I could get better or total control of seizures. I had the temporal lobectomy two months after the VEEG and it has led to almost 23 seizure-free years.
Has Anyone Here Done The Seer Eeg/ecg Video Monitoring Treatment?
Hello, All - I Am Wondering If I Can Post A Short Video Here Of What We Think Is New Seizure Activity In My Son. Docs Are Stymied!
VEEG And No Seizures?