Hello, All - I Am Wondering If I Can Post A Short Video Here Of What We Think Is New Seizure Activity In My Son. Docs Are Stymied!
I know Margery we have been through this before but guess what even heart doctors who havnt had a heart attack will have patients that are more difficult to treat. I was born with a heart defect that thankfully fixed itself. I will not say that we know more about epilepsy than our doctors but we are the ones that need the help and some doctors just dismiss a lot of things that can later result in something bigger just like a heart issue going undetected until something bad happens or even cancer that can go undetected for years until it’s too late. People on here want to hear what others have to say because we personally physically and mentally go through this disorder and we want to try and help people and be a support system that sometimes doctors just don’t give. Medically/ scientifically yes doctors are the only ones that can give an answer as to whether something is a seizure or not but only from an eeg, sometimes it takes a lot to get that eeg in the first place. I was misdiagnosed at first and was put on a medication that had awful side effects and made things worse, this doctor saw a video of me and dismissed it as me just passing out. I changed doctors and after seeing the videos the first thing they did was an eeg which confirmed my seizures so I am lucky enough to now have an amazing doctor.
I think if your son is okay with it, it should be okay, there are people who don’t like to see these types of videos but they can simply not watch it. I actually would not mind seeing it as I find it interesting and try to help. Yes I know Margery does not like people playing doctor, but we know ourselves and our children better than anyone else. I as well as many others have been misdiagnosed and struggle to find a doctor that is willing to put in the effort to help. Unless the doctor has been through the same thing, they cannot truly understand it. Yes they have the scientific and medical knowledge to do all they can to help but not all seizures can be controlled with medications
The first, Dr was terrible for you; usually, there are bad side effects from meds. Drs take you off them. So true bout an EEG is best way to determine if seizure is epileptic. An in-office one may look normal if not during a seizure. An in-hospital one is needed for safety, while one brought on from fewer meds. If new Dr saw one in office- first one should have too. Just a video can show a seizure but could be non-epileptic one too. When EEG shows no change in brain waves. A good thing bout this is then with psyche treatment seizures could then be eliminated. Glsd you now have a Dr you can trust to treat yours the best way. Confirms why posting a video here doesn't help too.
If your son has had eeg tests in the past then it's possibly just med side effects or the same seizure activity. I had a similar issue happen last year and was tested for it. They found nothing new on eeg so it was blamed on the old meds I was on. I did have to change meds anyway.
Aw c'mon think heart Drs must have heart attacks before helping patients? No one here can determine from a video if was a seizure better than the Drs.
Does Anyone Else Not Know Exactly Where Their Seizures Come From Bin The Brain?
I Want To Do Something Crazy To Bring Awareness To Epilepsy. Any Suggestions? I’m Open To All.
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