What Are Some Things That Trigger You Guys To Have Seizures?
My triggers are, the heat, strobe lights, stress, lack of water, lack of food, and really cold weather.
The basic triggers for seizures for everyone with Epilepsy:
Late on taking meds
Lack of sleep
Caffeine / alcohol
Then there are the triggered seizures to those with certain types of Epilepsy.
Like photosensitivity ( sensitivity to light )
Some people are sensitive to environmental and climate change
Certain foods may trigger seizures
Loud noise
I hope you will stay hydrated during the hot weather. It is one trigger you can control.
Mine are sleep deprivation, stress, missing taking pills, anxiety disorder, depression, and heat (It started as summer heat, but has mutated to any form of heat -- thus I have the heat off in my room of the house because my parents and sister, Celeste, do not have heat as an issue for them. Like many people -- none of them are epileptics -- other factors, especially age, are the reason why they are more sensitive to the cold. I am not as sensitive to summer heat as I was when I was on Tegretol/Carbamazepine, but I do need the help of an air-conditioner to cool down when the summer heat AND humidity levels are high.) I have been working on building a tolerance to the summer heat (when in the car especially with one of my parents -- with someone else as the driver) so that I can resist even opening a window.) It has helped. Though the big test for my Heat sensitivity is coming on Thanksgiving when the oven is on longer and the heat is on to keep the others warm. So far in the fall, it hasn't been tested because the oven is not on long enough when I am in the kitchen, and the heat has not come on very often during the day (at least since I took down my Wall in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Thanksgiving will be the big test because there will be a lot more people in the house and both heat sources will be on.
Well my triggers are a bit weird and not like most of what I see described here, I have no issues with hot weather (I actually love it) or with strobing lights, but what I found to be a trigger for me is when I am forced to do fast movements with my body that require a lot of brain coordination, like loosing my balance over a slippery surface or stumble upon something on the ground that I didn't see because I was looking somewhere else. Also my overall coordination seems to be worsening by the day and the neurologists I saw cannot explain it, some speculate it might be a cyst in my brain which might be consisting with my auras which are mostly flashing lights and sensations of poor body control.
Mine depends on day. Low stress no driving day it is just smells. High stress workload with driving lights in peripheral vision, reflections, sun up sun down aura, and too much talking and or listening. My focus gets thrown off and paying attention to things that are more necessary like my safety. When i feel safety is being jeopardized a whole new list. It's hard because the small seizures have an after affect of being either sore or discombobulated so readjusting focus makes me seem a little adhd. Trying to control the environment I'm sometimes forcing myself to not be obvious in my state of mind by meditation and prayer to go unnoticed but it comes out in my speech sometimes sounding like a stroke patient.
Has Your Doctor Or Specialist Discussed Threshold With You?
Do You Dream About Your Seizure Triggers? If So, Does This Cause You To Have A Seizure In Real Life?
Has Anyone Else Noticed Sounds As A Seizure Trigger?