Do You Dream About Your Seizure Triggers? If So, Does This Cause You To Have A Seizure In Real Life?
Last night I dreamed that I saw my family doctor. He said that he was actually Matt Medic from "Rescue Heroes" (my family doctor actually has the same personality as Matt; they're both soft-spoken). He apparently examined me. Medical things trigger Simple-Partial Seizures and Grand-Mal Seizures; it's what triggered my first Grand-Mal Seizure when I was two years old. I woke up smelling raw sewage and was red in the face; this happens whenever I have a Simple-Partial Seizure.
Has anyone else… read more
I do. Everytime I have one.
Never dreamt of seizures.
That first part of a seizure I can't remember the name of it can do all sorts of stuff. It was under an article in here about the 5 stages of seizures. So your dream was stage 1. With some seizures they smell or see things that aren't there so there's stage 2. Don't Quote me on this I'm just guessing. Seizures do strange things to us. I was in church and we were all standing & singing. Well it felt like I was going into a tunnel abd than lost my hearing completely. I had to grab the pew in front of me. Good thing I did because all of a sound the church was loud with singing again which took me by surprise. To me that is the weirdest seizure I have.
No, never dreamt of seizures either, at least not that I can remember.
MargeryHarrop, I DO NOT THINK THAT. In fact, please reread my post. I have had seizures since I was two years old. I know that epilepsy is physical. I also know that seizures can happen in your sleep, MY NEUROLOGIST TOLD ME THAT. Now please take your own advice and "learn more to correct your thinking".
Does Anyone Get Triggered By Rain On A Windshield?
I Would Like To Know What Everyone's Seizure Triggers Are. I'm Having A Lot More Than Normal. What Could I Be Missing?
Has Your Doctor Or Specialist Discussed Threshold With You?