I’ve been having seizures since I was 6-7 years old and I’m having a hard time knowing to what extent my medication is affecting my mood or is it just my personality. Any advice?
Having the condition I have and seizures that go with, I have my mood, it haps time to time, but I don't let it get the best of me, I handle it and move on, I have no prob, I'm human, my opinion.
Here is a website to understand what @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member is talking about,
Rarely will you find an epileptic medication that doesn't affect you in one way or another. You just need to learn to accept the effects
Have you heard from and friends or family, about a change in your emotions, behavior or personality? The other question is, whether it’s your medication(s) side effects or your seizures are hitting the area of the brain , that triggers your emotions.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , It would help us to know what medication you’re on in order for us to give you some feedback. For example, Keppra is known to cause mood swings, anger issues & make people not act like themselves & it’s known to cause excessive drowsiness & sometimes known to cause trouble sleeping. There’s mixed reviews of it on this site. But each medication effects everyone differently. I took Keppra for 2 months in 2019 & it made me so tired that I had to take a nap every day & eventually I started having trouble sleeping at night & so I got off it. So you might go to your Story page & tell us more about yourself & on your Treatment page you can share what medications you’re on. Welcome to the site. Your friend in Texas, Becky
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Mood Changes Easily