How Do I Get Help With Medication And Medical, For My Son? Who Has No Insurance And Cannot Work?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , Just like @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member & @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member suggested, my first suggestion is to contact your local Epilepsy Foundation in Mississippi. You can find their contact information at For some reason they don’t have their own website other than what you’ll see on that website, however, they do have a Facebook page called “Epilepsy Foundation Mississippi” & you’ll find their contact information on there & you’ll also see what kind of of support groups & events they offer but they might still be offering everything virtually right now. When I didn’t have insurance I reached out to my local Epilepsy Foundation & they apparently put me on a program they have, where they had me pay $25 dollars a year & that covered my 2 prescriptions & my check-ups with my Neurologist & my blood work. I had to use my local Epilepsy Foundation’s Neurologist but luckily my regular Neurologist & her office volunteer with my local Epilepsy Foundation & so I was able to keep the same Neurologist but anytime I needed to report to my Neurologist about a seizure or get some kind of message to her, I had to call my local Epilepsy Foundation & leave the message with them & ask that they get the message to my Neurologist. Then there’s the Patient Assistance Programs that the manufacturer of each medication offers. You have to fill out some paperwork & see if you qualify for help with that. In 2019 my Neurologist started me on Vimpat & I didn’t have any insurance & a generic wasn’t available at the time & so I applied for their Patient Assistance Program & was approved & didn’t have to pay for my Vimpat. Several years ago I used the Patient Assistance Program to get my Depakote & didn’t have to pay for it & I also applied for the Patient Assistance Program to get my Trileptal & that manufacturer gave me a discount. Here is a link to some information about not being able to afford the meds & about Patient Assistance Programs, etc: . But I really think your best bet is to first contact your local Epilepsy Foundation & let them know your son’s situation & see if they can help y’all. They likely offer similar resources that my local Epilepsy Foundation does. Your friend in Texas, Becky
Have you tried applying with Medicaid?? Contact your state DHS for assistance.
Christine, yes check with the epilepsy foundation
1) Check w/ Society of St. Vincent de Paul ""
SSVP.Org >> Assistance services,
that will lead you to your local SSVP group they works through your local Catholic parish & can assist w/ paying bills, medical & other. possibly other. they don't discrimate. 🙂 as they helped me and I'm Lutheran.
Also The Lutheran Church & others are there for help. Check w/ your local church.
Many forget that they can go to the Church for help, it's so close & true it's sick as many overlook the Church ever thought of that's just part of the Church's mission. If they can't help they can always point you to others that can.
For paying bills you can check w/
Regarding Prescription Assistance
I've used for myself & others. is another
The AAFA , Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, has links to Pharmaceutical Co.s assistance, charities, reduced rate , free, help of all kinds. Use it.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member also listed a bunch on a previous answer to someone else.
God will provide, just ask Him.
All of God's Blessings
Thank you , very helpful. Christine
Try talking to your epilepsy foundation in Jackson, MS.
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