Do You Seem To Think Of Your Condition As A Hinderance? Wondering
I use to seem to think that at first when diagnosed with, and before being diagnosed with, but after I knew what I have to deal with, I gotten used to the condition I have, it took me some time to get there, but I did, it's had it's ups and downs but they are more stable than before and I am ok with that and so is my doc, I don't see it hindering anything I can think of, I like to try out new things and such etc, but it is not a hinderance in my life with, what are your thoughts? Neutral one?
I’ve been lucky work wise. I work from home and the few times I’ve had a seizure during work time I haven’t done anything too bad. (so far at least)
Depends on our age and personality
I actually think it’s been more of a hindrance to others in my life than me. The only thing I don’t do pretty much is drive. The other things I’m told to stay away from, getting on a ladder, cook and other things, I pretty much do anyway. I know I’m taking a chance but people without epilepsy have had problems doing these things as well so why not..Just my opinion.
I agree vince
It's understandable to initially view epilepsy as a hindrance. However, many find that with time, support, and self-acceptance, they adapt and epilepsy becomes simply one part of life rather than the focus. There are still challenges, yet one's perspective and resilience grows. Rather than a hinderance, epilepsy can be an Show Full Answer
Wishing Good For Your Health And Well-being Etc, Question Below?
Having Our Conditions And Such Etc, And Following The Treatment Given, Have You Did Something Say Modified To It And It Made It Seem Better?
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,