Hi everyone, I haven’t had a seizure in awhile and recently had one. I’m sure as many of you know the dizziness feels almost unbearable at times. Does anyone have any tips that could help me recover faster from the feeling.
I’ve never learned of ways dizziness can be controlled. If these dizziness is new or occurring constantly please bring it to your doctor’s attention because it could be medication that’s causing this to happen. I’ve experienced dizziness in the past which was found to be caused by medication I was taking. What I have learned is, if I’m alone to find a safe place like the floor to lay down to avoid falling and getting hurt. If you’re with others quickly inform them so they can hold you and guide you to sitting down.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
There was one morning I woke up and was so dizzy I had to crawl to the kitchen. We told my doctors and they mentioned low blood sugar rate.
It is possible that the dizziness is from side effects of the medication you are taking. What medications are you taking?
How Does Everyone Manage Dizziness While At Work?
Anyone Else On Vimpat And So Dizzy?
Has Anyone Had A Bad Reaction To Barium Swallow In Gastro Tests--such As Severe Migraine Or Pain And Dizziness Or Seizure?