I Am Wondering If It’s The Medication I Am On That Causes Me To Be Tired All The Time?
Ever since I have had my diagnosis with epilepsy I have been nothing but tired all the time. I know my age could have played a part in this but this is beginning to take a toll on what I am able to do in a day
I have also had accidents due seizures, and these can set you back. I broke both of my ankles a few years ago due a seizure. I was set back for some time. However try and do what you can to help keep yourself motivated and try to maintain a positive attitude. This might not be easy, but it can be better for you in the long run.
There are many medications with the side effects of making you tired/ sleepy , drowsy and trouble waking up.
I'm on that med also, I can relate, I got a slight feeling of fatigue and naps now and then, but yes it can,
I would say that the epilepsy itself can make people very tired. Some meds can add to this, as I have seen during my 40 years of having epilepsy and have taken numerous medications. I do think age can add to this as well. I would suggest that you keep a schedule of doing daily exercises including taking walks throughout the day. This may help you not be overly tired.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , I took Keppra/Levetiracetam for 2 months in mid 2019 & it made me so tired that I had to take a nap every day & eventually I started having trouble sleeping at night & so I got off it. I never experienced it but others have said that Keppra can cause mood swings, anger issues & make people not act like themselves, all known as the Keppra Rage & it’s known to cause excessive drowsiness & trouble sleeping. Not everyone has problems with these side effects, but just like some of us, it sounds like it’s making you to tired as well. So if you’re not comfortable with the Keppra side effects, then you might try another medication that doesn’t make you near as tired. I’ve been on Depakote for about 20 years, give or take & since long term use of that can possibly cause Osteoporosis & I was told about 2015 from a Neurologist that I had begun seeing at the time about that & he had me do a bone density test & that showed I have Osteopenia in my left hip & he recommended that I take Vitamin D & my current Neurologist has taking that also. I hope you can find another medication where you won’t be so tired. Good luck. Your friend in Texas, Becky
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