Does Anyone Else Like A Seizure Trigger That They Have?
I enjoy anime like "Inuyasha", even though it triggers Simple-Partial Seizures. I know that I'm supposed to avoid seizure triggers and I usually do - the only seizure trigger that I can't avoid is showering. I rarely watch anime because it triggers Simple-Partial Seizures (there's no repetitive flashing in the anime that I like); however, I still enjoy watching it (I read Manga too). Does anyone else deal with the issue of seizures happening whenever they do something they enjoy?
In my case the triggers (or actually worsening of my condition) are any kind of intense mental effort. Basically doing this my brain gets more and more messed up and the seizure activity goes worse without any return to the previous state. It's not really a trigger if you think about it, it's just destruction of the brain, like some sort of cancer that involves abnormal electricity instead of abnormal cell growth. That has kept me from doing a lot of things in my life including getting a job, but I got tired of this as I discovered a passion in writing music which in itself is a major mental effort but I'm like YOLO and see where this will lead me because I don't want to give up on this too.
To much excitement . Like big holidays, parties, concerts and other big events trigger my seizures.
What do you mean?
I think that has happened, I have had my trigs go down at my routine of my Bible study and other things also, the thing I think is that they are more stable than before and I am ok with that, but the trig (s) as it's put there are a few and don't know the one that is doing it, but I don't let it get to me, I just get back into what I was doing, it varies I think but am used to them opinion,
I Would Like To Know What Everyone's Seizure Triggers Are. I'm Having A Lot More Than Normal. What Could I Be Missing?
Question About Triggers
Does Loud Noices Or Music Make Any Of You Have Sezuires And High Aniexty?