How Does The Cold Affect Your Epilepsy?
Cold weather doesn't effect my siezures. Hot weather can make your siezureRX to cause other problems. Talk to your MD about RX and heat.
I have more issues with heat. I can’t be out in direct sun.
The Cold doesn't really affect me, but the things that come with it do. Driving while it is snowing and dark can really get to me car lights wizzing by are very difficult. SO are the flashing lights of snowplows.
the heat affects me more than the cold does.
Sometimes when there is humidity but no rain I get a bad migraine headache on the left side of my head where I had brain surgery. Also if it is very hot I sometimes get a migraine headache on the left side of my head.
Does Epilepsy Always Effect Memory And Learning?
What Season Do You Like The Most, Or Do Like Like Them All, Do You Think It Has A Effect With You And Your Condition You Have? Curious
Does Anyone Smoke/use Tobacco?