Anyone Else Have Something Like An Out-of-body Experience When They're Siezing?
Like you can see what's going on or even experience portions of it but have no control at the same time? This is difficult to explain.
Yes, this is a weird feeling. I can hear and see what is happening but I don't have control over my actions and my speech is not appropriate. I know it's a siezure and try to walk away to my safe zones but I am not able???
This week I learned I cannot cry. I have tried but no tears. MD said from scar tissue caused from Traumatic Brain Injury. WEIRD BRAIN!
I haven’t . But I have heard of people experiencing an OBE, during the seizure.
Yes, usually that’s the last thing I remember and then when I come out of it and my wife says, “welcome back”.
Ye kinda, it's hard to explain, but my opinion here,
Having had seizures when I was a young and as a nurse, I’ve found that to be almost a given when people describe their seizures
Are The Deja Vu Sensations A Seizure?
Dose Any One Worry About Having A Baby And Causing Fits To Get Worse ?
We Have Our Conditions And Such, But What About Other People Also, Do They Have A Condition Possibly Too And Aren't Telling Us,?