I Have Very Bad Memory Loss Of Just Short Time Memory, I Had A Very Bad Skull Fracture When I Was 26. I'm Now 69 ,and My Memory Short Term
Memory loss. my entire right temporal lobe is damaged. It's hard but one has to go on. Thank-you. Carol Pluff
I understand. I had brain trauma due to an accident when I was 21.
Both my temporal lobes are scars. My short term memory is not great.🤕 Just stay positive. Keep a note pad and I also have a chalk board that I keep an erasable calendar on.
Your short term memory is stored in your hippocampus which you have 2. One on each side of your brain. I would talk to your Neurologist and see what's going on.
My mem is not what it was when I was younger, but taking that into consideration and my condition I have, it is ok with me, I give myself a 1 on a 3 scale being the best, I'm ok with that, my opinion after 51 yrs of having the condition I have.
I have temporal lobe seizures. Before they started I could remember everything but ever since I can’t remember anything.
I'm 24 and have short term memory loss it's hard for me to remember where I put things also and then I lose them and my mom reminds me to go back and look were I put it.
Has Your Memory Gotten Worse Or At Least Memory Recall The Longer You Have Had Epilepsy?
How Bad Or Good Is Your Memory After Having Some Hard Seizures?