I Very Rarely Get Sufficient Sleep. I Don't Know If That Is Related To Medication Or Seizure Activity.
I agree varies person to person just like medicine. I've been on at least 10 meds and some kept me up hard to sleep, and some makes me very tired.
yes with a but... no with a if. it all depends on you and your seizures. maybe insomnia or lack of sleep is cause of the med side effects. maybe it is nockternal seizures. maybe it is recovery time. or maybe it's both.
Have you thought , that you might have Insomnia
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
When I was young I would wake up 3 or 4 hours early a lot. After a while we realized the days I woke up early and couldn’t fall back asleep was always the morning after I had a seizure. It got to where every time I woke up early I would tell my mom “I had a seizure yesterday didn’t I”. The answer was almost always “Yes”.
It is 2am and I have been awake for 2 hours
I dream constantly about having seizures and then I wake up petrified
Went to the hospital to try to get help
But like always they never want to address the issues I need help with
Does The Daytime And Night Time Have A Effect On You And Your Or Our Conditions We Have, And Which Do You Prefer? And What Are Your Thoughts
I Would Like To Know What Everyone's Seizure Triggers Are. I'm Having A Lot More Than Normal. What Could I Be Missing?