Do EEGs Ever Return To Normal When Seizure Free On Meds Or Will They Always Show “spikes”
So as a eeg tech that's the hope in what we are looking for. But we will more than likely always see what's called a discharge or a spike in the eeg. This does not make the eeg abnormal or the person uncontrolled. Just means there's still activity in the brain. If the discharges last for a certain period of time (I believe 3-6 sec) that is abnormal. I have worked with 3 different hospitals and when is comes to the smaller discharges different doctors may treat you differently and considered them "abnormal" depending on how many you have throughout the whole test. The difference between the 2 is the longer the discharges the more chance of becoming a seizure. We all are a little sparky.
You will always have spikes it's the durations of the spike and type we are looking at as a neurodiagnostic tech. The only epilepsy that may ever have spikes go away is benign rolandic epilepsy which is diagnosed in kids and usually not even treated. It's the only epilepsy that an epileptic grows out of.
My seizures aren’t controlled but all my EEGs are always normal except my extended video EEG
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member thank you so much for the good information.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member ^^ This One thing to remember is regardless of whether you have a known brain condition or not the eeg with always be picking up spikes based on body movement, talking and speaking ect all have a effect on the spikes.
My Doc Says As My EEG Was Clear Of All Activity, I Might Not Have Epilepsy?
What If You Have Undiagnosed Epilepsy?
Sorry For The Delay But When I Went To App My Doc Said He Saw Spikes On My EEG. My Others Before Were All Normal.