My Blood Pressure Spikes When I Have A Breakthrough Seizure. Anyone Else Experience This?
I never had high blood pressure before n now I do. Especially when I have multiple seizures. I've had been put on induce comas, cause I wouldn't responde to the IV meds and my BP would go up to 249/182. I had to be revived twice and had to have rehab inpatient facility for muscle strength again and walk without assistance.
My blood pressure goes up before, during, and after a seizure as well although it has never gone that high and I have never experienced symptoms so severe.
Otherwise, my blood pressure is so "normal" that I can almost view spiking blood pressure as a warning of an oncoming seizure... even if I am not feeling any warning signs.
I’m the only one in the family that has seizures but I’m also the only one in the family who doesn’t have high blood pressure.
I read an article that some people only have high blood pressure when they have seizures. That made sense to me since my seizure activity goes up and my bp goes up. When it's back to normal my bp goes back to normal. An epitologist wrote the article. He also said cardiologist prefer to just keep you on meds for bp even if it's just sometimes since that was way your always covered from getting really high bp.
I'm not aware of that in my condition, I think it's dif per person, my opinion
Sorry For The Delay But When I Went To App My Doc Said He Saw Spikes On My EEG. My Others Before Were All Normal.
Q About Breakthrough Seizures While On Meds. What Do These Look Like? Are They Just As Bad, Or Are They Less Traumatizing Due To Medication?
Blood Pressure And Seizures