Has Anyone Had Any Problems With Aspartame, Like It Trigger A Seizure?
Good day!
The ingredient aspartame is known to cause and trigger seizures. This is not just inside of diet drinks, Sweet-n-low, Equal, and Estuvia (artificial sweeteners), but it's in chewing gum and breath mints as well. I get a reaction to it myself and have both petit mal and grand mal seizures.
The Aspartame isn't in just diet drinks. I have found it in Crystal lite, sugar free syurp.
I never use artificial sweeteners, I don't care for the taste. Caffeine doesn't bother me. I drink coffee all day long.
I was told not to drink something like a diet soda that has aspartame in it, and to avoid caffeine. It is a trigger for seizures.
Never expensed caffeine as a trigger
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