Do You Like Taking Generic Medicine Over The Name Brand Original Med You Are Prescribed, Or Does It Matter?
I'm on levetiracetam and depakote, I'm ok with those, but what are your thoughts?
Thank you for that. Makes sense to me and I'll be sure and discuss with my pharmacist.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member,
Brand name vs generic epilepsy drugs usage is a complicated subject. And, on top of this point, even brand name drugs can be either ineffective (another type is needed) or really bad (I'm allergic to Lamotrigine; had to rush to hospital in middle of bad snow storm; about 10% of ALL people have bad reaction to brand name Lamotrigine).
Generic epilepsy drugs - sometimes they might work for some people. But for others they do NOT! My insurance company forced me to try a generic version of Vimpat (Lacosamide) b/c it cost 1/3 the price. Tried it for less than 2 wks but had extremely bad reaction to it when I lay down. Had to get an official medical document signed by my epileptologist to get back on brand name Vimpat. Still on it and am seizure free for 7 hrs, 6 mos.
Everyone with epilepsy has to find the best drugs that work best for them. Complicated. To achieve this, you need an excellent, experienced epileptologist to get you through these tough times.
Best of luck in your drug battles.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Yes. Chemically they are the same and they have to both be made to set standards. But the issue is people will still have different reactions with either one they have. For some people it can even go the other way and the generic works, but the brand doesn't. The thing is when it comes to the side effects the generics are not really the same.
This is pretty much what I was saying to the person in the Epilepsy groups who claimed to be a pharmacist and couldn't understand the basic concept of this.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member - sorry about my lousy typing. I meant to say that I'm seizure free 7 years, 6 months.
I take the name brand meds: Lamictal and Keppra. Generics don't work for me. After being seizure free for almost one year, the pharmacy gave me (against my doctor's directions) the generic for Lamictal. In less than 2 days I had a seizure. I am so fortunate that my doctor is so demanding with the insurance company. I went to renew a 90 day supply recently and the med supplier gave me a price of $4,800+/-. as a "co-pay." Abiding by the doctor's requirements, my co-pay then became $125.00. God answered a prayer for me.
Are You Ok With Name Brand Meds Or Like The Gen Version Of, Do You Think It Matters? I'm Ok With Either Of Them They Prescribe To Me,
Name Brand To Generic
Changing From Brand To Generic