How Many Different Meds Do You Need To Take To Control All The Seizures Or Can They All Be Controlled With One Med.?.
I have tried several medications and so far Topamax, Klonipin, and Gabapentin are working for me without any horrible side effects.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
The RNS works pretty good. I’ve always been a person who only has 1 or 2 seizures per month. With the RNS I have more 1 seizure months so it’s almost like the RNS has cut my seizures in half. A person who has more seizures would probably see a bigger difference. Plus I had so many EEG’s where I had no seizures so they were a waste. The RNS also records my brain activity 24/7 and I send the doctors information from home every night. So that is a plus for me
I takeLamotrigine,Dilantin,Llonopin, Keppra . It's kind of hard to kknow these work and the drs. all want to take me off some of them.
I’m on 5 meds , 1 oral seizure recovery med , and myDBS . All in the name of Seizure Control.
Uncontrolled Seizures?
A Med? I Have Had My Meds Changed Once Since My Condition I Have, But What If The Doc Offered Or Brought Up A New One Would You Take It?
Medicine Question