Has anyone hade the (TMS)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation, my neurologist wants to perform this procedure? But I've never heard it perform for epilepsy or seizures. Only for anxiety or behavior illness. I truly don't want to have any surgery especially @ my age and the risk of it would be for me due to where my location.
I had brain surgery in 1990. I was awake and talking to my doctor while he was operating on my brain. While I was talking to him he could see what to leave in and what to remove. He found that my speech was in the area and because I was talking he saved my speech.
I never had it done but I have seen people get it done cause it will send signals to help stop seizures i would do it. Worth a try honestly
Deana, that's great to hear a successful procedure. yes mine would effect, movement, speech & memory, I just can't take & don't have the confidence in medical procedure especially @ 52. And I believe that the medication that was prescribed to me for PTSD is what helps caused my epilepsy. So I'm skeptical of someone messing with my brain. I've met & heard others who wasn't successful, and still taking similar medication. Thanks for sharing truly appreciate it. you are a true warrior.
Before the operation I was having several tests done. I also had to repeat 2 tests because 1 of them I had to give them a seizure and I couldn't give it to them. The 2nd one I was not supposed to have a seizure and I had it.
When I was young I was told it would work over 40 yrs ago. When they did the mapping it indicated my abnormality was deep. They removed what they could. Now MRI is much better. 20 years later they tried it again oh my hippocampus . Recently it is in deeper location! Today is a. Better time to have surgery!
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