VNS Implant And Security Systems
I went to the home Depot to look around and all of a sudden, when i walked in the store my VNS implant goes off and it made the security systems go off. I apologize for it and I showed her the implant and she understood. This has happened to me a lot of times like for instance. It happened to me in Walmart, the library and other stores also. What can I do about this issue with my VNS implant?
The VNS pain sounds like output current is set to high, I used to have a VNS too from 12/19999 until Oct. 4,2016. I had my RNS implant Oct. 5, 2016. The RNS is an implant under your skull which monitors your brain activity, constantly and when an abnormal signal is detected it sends a short signal to the seizure focus area to neutralize the abnormal signal (which is a seizure ). Testing is done beforehand like an an EEG which will determine where your seizure originates (must happen with a seizure during test). This tells. The neurosurgeon where your seizure focus area I s and where the lead from the RNS needs to be placed. Mine I s the the Left frontal lobe of my hrain. Try websight -neuropace .com for more info. No brain tissue is removed.
I know exactly what you mean. As soon as you are called or need to talk to someone the VNS would activate and your voice would get quiet. I originally had my VNS implanted in 12/1999, and in the beginning it seemed to be more effective then over the recent years even with a battery change. When I was having the presurgical appointment this September for my Neuropace RNS implant surgery, I decided to have my VNS removed. It was removed the day before the RNS surgery. I've noticed since I've been home and recovered, it is so nice to talk again without the constant voice interruptions. One thing that is a real plus is participating at church and singing. I feel so much better without my VNS now, and hopefully my RNS implant will take over and improve my life. I feel very confident.
Try holding the magnet on it and walk through. That's what I was told when I go to the dentist.
Go to NEUROlOGIST they better know what to do. I'm guessing needs to be a shield added which should have been done at original Surgery.
Just keep doing what you've been doing
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