What Does VNS Mean?
Vagus Nerve Stimulation I have got one now their wanting to see if I qualify for an RNS which came out after the VNS.
The VNS stands for Vagus Nerve Stimulator. It is implanted inside a person’s body. It is implanted over their rib cage on the left side of their body. It is similar to the size of a hockey puck. Then it is connected to the vagus nerve on the left side of Your neck. Then a person is given a magnet, when a person is having a seizure a person slides the magnet over the stimulator a person feels a pinch on their neck. That pinch can be changed. That pinch means a signal has been sent to the nerve, and the seizure may end.
It's like a pacemaker for the brain. The lead/wire is wrapped around the Vagus Nerve in the middle of the neck, but the incision is made on the side of the neck. It is than connected to the battery, which is placed in a flap of skin( which they re-open when they replace the battery every 3-5 years or longer depending on how high or low the VNS is set). For me the battery has lasted 3 years the first time, 6 years second time I had it replaced. Battery replacement is only a Day Surgery. The first time you get a VNS installed you are totally out though. This procedure is done by a neurosurgeon.
Vagus Nerve Stimulator..I have 1 in fact..it's a pacemaker device implant placed in yr upper left chest area..after it is set..mine is set to go on every 5 minutes for 30 seconds..yr neurologist does the setting..the VNS helps to stop seizures..or slow them down..it's really helped me over the years! I have partial-complex seizures..it was recommended by my neurologist that I get the VNS due to my type of seizures I experience!
Hope that helps anyone who is looking for advice for the VNS...
The neurosurgeon will need to know where exactly to put the VNS in your brain. I have more than one damaged areas of brain so I am not sure if it's possible? I would hope so. But I see that the battery needs replaced regularly!? Does that cost much?
Out Of The Two Devices The RNS And VNS With One Is More Reliable When It Comes To Controlling Seizures? I Want To Have The Procedure Done?
As For The Medical Treatment And Such Etc, We're Making Progress I Think, But What About Now Meds And Treatment And Your Opinion On It?
Has Anyone Had Experience With VNS?