How Many Out There Have Fear Once Asleep Overnight Of Having Seizure Activity To Occur?
Not really. I did in the months after my TC last year but a major part of that was due to me going on epilepsy Facebook groups where you get bombarded with stories of the worst of the worst and then it's all followed by constant arguments and bickering if you ever chime in.
The best advice I would say is try to stay away from epilepsy Facebook groups unless you find a good one, have a hobby and learn what you need to about your condition but once you do don't look into it too much.
Fear of seizures must be eliminated not dwelt on! Learn more please to see reality not live in fear like years ago.
It's never been an issue for me. If it happens, it happens
I hate it at night some good some bad
I am not scared anymore. I do not want to place burdens on my family. I do not tell them everything.
Scared To Sleep At Night?
How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?
What Happens When Someone Had A Seizure In There Sleep. Will They Come Back From Passing Out?