Ladies Who Have Had Children, Did You Have To Go To An Additional Specialist?
Hi so I'm 9 weeks pregnant and I got referred to a maternal fetal medicine doctor on top of my regular ob and neurologist. When I went to the appointment I feel like I wasted my time because everything he said I already knew or had planned with my other Doctors. I told him they all know I'm pregnant my epilepsy meds have already been adjusted a couple times my ob already said about a baby aspirin it was just a big repeat I am wondering if this is recommended for all women with epilepsy? Did you… read more
I saw a perinatologist when I had my children in the 90’s! My daughter in law had her reg. OB Because she has diabetes she saw a perinatologist. She was high risk. She had a c- section! Baby was perfect! April 3. My daughter sees 2 doctors. She broke her back 5 years ago. The baby is doing great, initially they saw abnormalities 4 months, the perinatologist said the abnormalities will disappear . They have! She dances and kicks stomach at night! She was on no meds. Except vitamins! The attachment is the front of body! Baby and mom are doing great! We all have challenges ! It’s a blessing , she is due in July! I had a son and daughter and they are now beautiful loving people! I pray your pregnancy will go smoothly!
Congrats. Your one of the few who've been on here for a long time. I hope your great. I've read many of your posts and you've been so legit. I'm so happy for you.
I also had to go off birth control which really sucked. I hope you are able to have your baby nice and healthy. And thank you for all the women on here telling their stories. My neurologist told me it would be risky for me.
Congratulations! It's great that you're getting attentive care, and that you're so well informed. Lucky baby! Your referring doc most likely acted out of an abundance of caution, you know, a better safe than sorry sitch. I didn't know I had epilepsy through two pregnancies...I'd have given anything to have docs like yours! Best wishes to you. ❤️
But remember, that's my story, not everyone is the same. Most have no trouble at all. Some decide not to have children for one reason or another. But everyone is different.
Geography Question: Is Anyone Here From Austria?
Racking My Brain But A Mate I Know Is Epileptic And He Was Telling Me With Epilepsy It’s Harder To Have Kids? Sorry For The Awkward Question
I'm Kinda Of Curious About This Epitologist And A Neurologist, Curious About, What Is The Dif Between Them, I Have A Doc, More Below