I Have Partial Temporal Epilepsy...my Right Front Temporal Is Affected Due To Childhood Abuse.
I am blessed in so many ways. God has helped me thru so much. I have many wonderful friends in my life, I am a retired paralegal and still do legal work for my friends as they need it. I can still drive, and my mind is still good for an old woman. I do have ADD...jump from one project to another. My step dad broke me nose, ruptured my ear drum and beat me in the head with his fists. I often dream of flying. I levitate to the ceiling and move around. I love for people to see my performance. This is a reoccurring dream....again I am so blessed.
It mainly means that one lobes of the brain is damaged, causing your Epilepsy
I agree, amen
Hang in there and try and stay pos,
What Makes It Different Than A Grand Mal, Or Are They The Same?
My Neurologist Said My Epilepsy Is In Front Right Temporal Lobe So What Kind Is That?
Temporal Epilepsy