How Strong Is Dilantin Towards Treating Epilepsy
It not so much on how strong the medication. It’s how well the medication works for you , and how high of a dose the Dr. needs to safely increase the dosage of your medication
Then there the other way of look at how strong the medication is. That would be on how strong the side effects are , on the person taking it.
Dilantin is a strong seizure med. It’s a very old drug, but if it’s working your doctor should stick with it. However, if you are still having them, perhaps you should ask about another option.
A medication is only as strong as the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The best example I can give you, when I was 1 year old then went into gran mal seizures I was prescribed a low dosage of Dilantin because it was known to be a particular type medication that could be given to children safely. At the time in 1969, there was not a high amount of AED's made but Dilantin was a good pediatric medication from what my Mom recalled my general doctor saying at the time.
I was actually on Dilantin until the age of 14 as my system did quite well with it and the epileptologist did not feel it to be necessary for removal. What we did do is add in another medication to support the Dilantin because I was older and could manage the newer medication that came out onto the market. Hope the above answers your question.
Thanks formation the advice, very informative.
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