Musicogenic Epilepsy
Does anyone else have this form of epilepsy? I'm starting to feel like a test case and it hasn't even been 1.5 years since my epilepsy diagnosis. I started with focal seizures, after tests was determined to also have autoimmune epilepsy and now we are testing for musicogenic epilepsy since 8 out of my last 10 seizures I have been around music. We tested it when I had an EEG and I couldn't make it through a full song without having a seizure.
Never heard of that but there’s different triggers for everyone
I think I read somewhere on here in an article that there were 80+ types. A lot are rare but they are also finding new ones as well.
Never heard of the term you speak of, but I know from experience that when certain types of music is played at certain decibels, seizures can occur. Mosl music that triggers my seizures are usually Heavy Bass, type music. My body feels the vibrations and hearing them at the same time can cause a seizure for me.
So when my son is home and plays his music preferences, I ask to change the music.
Google it. There's a lot of good information.
Oh my! It's hard to believe that music could be a seizure trigger!
This is an incredibly unique trigger!
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