This ? About Teeth Grinding With Seizures And Tooth Damage, What About The Meds We Take Do They Cause That Also, Just Wondering
I think my meds cause a little bit of that, the teeth grinding just was brought up to me, my doc didn't ask about my side effects of the matter asking about here.what are your thoughts,?
I've heard majority of the seizure medicine cause mouth and teeth damage and problems. Which I agree with as since being on 10 different seizure medicines I've had more problems with my teeth than I ever did prior
Not really grinding but the only time I had really random sudden teeth damage most likely related to meds was when I was changing from Tegretol to Keppra. Origanlly I blaimed the Keppra for this but they think it was more likely the process of coming off Tegretol.
Yes especially when I was younger ! Or if I have a bad seizure mouth is sore and jaw .
I fell off the couch. I was black and blue. Even had a black eye
I'm sure when younger and seizures more severe, I did but no1 was around to tell me if so. I did scratch my face going through them at times.
Have You Heard Of Teeth Grinding With Your Seizures?
Tooth Decay
Wisdom Teeth Extraction