I'm Just Wondering,are You Ok Or Comfortable With The Condition That You Have Currently, Wishing You Get Better And Such Etc, And Cured?
I at first didn't know what to make of it, but, I think that after the diagnosis they gave me and the test and meds and docs I went through made me seem to say I have something to do with In my life with,it wasn't easy at first, but took some time to get there, it does have its moments, but I have some concerns about it, I do, but I don't see it as a major thing in my life with that much anymore, sure it's there, but I kinda noticed it a 2nd nature thing to me, and not complaining about it as… read more
To be honest, yeah I'm fine.
Hi Joy6. You are pretty well controlled? I have Grand Mal (Tonic Clonic), I prefer Grand Mal as it is easier to remember.. I had since 5 years old. Have you ever tried B6? It has to do with helping our nerves. I have been taking supplements since small.
To me, it really does not bother me. I feel like normal human being except that I have to take this pills. I do wish I could drive but I know that is one of the restrictions of the medication.
As you mentioned, not all natural things work on us. I tried Acrerol cherries cream which is supposed to help with dark rings around the eyes. I bought it once but it did not help me.
Yes, as long as we take the medication that controls the seizures, that is great!!
-B6 helps for nerves,
-B12 helps for energy (for me it stops my hair from falling out), calcium, D3 helps my Osteoporosis -because of the meds),
-zinc helps wounds heal faster and the body needs it,
magnesium been shown to have a central anticonvulsant effect by blocking N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in neurons.[5,6] This property is useful in the prevention and management of seizures in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and control of seizures in epilepsy, hypothyroidism and glomerulonephritis.
-A potassium-rich diet is linked to many powerful health benefits. It may help reduce blood pressure and water retention, protect against stroke and help prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones. The importance of potassium is highly underestimated. This mineral is classified as an electrolyte because it’s highly reactive in water. When dissolved in water, it produces positively charged ions.
This special property allows it to conduct electricity, which is important for many processes throughout the body.
I hope this helps you.
I will be honest with you that when I was a little girl getting Epilepsy at the age of 2 bothered me growing up as a child and into my teenage years. I got married at the age of 19 and was for four and a half years. Of course, people made fun of me for having Epilepsy Seizures. They didn't know what it was and as I grew up then I chose to educate myself on the condition in and of itself. Once trying natural things such as the Ketogenic Diet, paying for the Biofeedback (massage on the scalp), and taking a natural herbal supplement (Black Cohosh) to help aid in helping the central nervous system, then I learned that natural products don't work for everyone. Also, Keto products don't work on a person's body either. Some people like myself get seizure reactions to Keto products. Basically, from me going through different things in my life I feel it has made me a stronger person for who I am as I have gotten older. I am pretty okay with my condition and comfortable as well. The thing I get concerned about are pretty basic questions. I am aware that there is no cure for Epilepsy and have accepted living with this condition. I have educated others about the condition of Epilepsy. I refuse to give up and am known to have a lot of perseverance, motivation, and determination. I have my own religious beliefs as well. When it comes to other diseases and illnesses that people should try to do things in order to help themselves. This is what I do for having Epilepsy Seizures. I stay away from the causes and triggers of seizures. My last seizure was back in April of 2023. The one before this was back in May 2021. I feel pretty good and have accepted the fact of having this condition. I just want to know things after going through a change of life that if the VNS Therapy and Neuropace RNS System would help for a women especially for me having seizures. I always hope for the best and that there would be a cure for illnesses and diseases.
Good job, just hang in there and try and stay pos like you are doing, not to mention that goes to everyone else here and their doing also, I say it is not easy but what I think we have what it takes even though some people don't understand what we have, but we are those that have that, just keep it up and at at it like we are going to do. My opinion
Sure, I would love to be cured, but I am fine with the way I am.
Med? Are You Ok With The Meds You Are Taking? And What If They Came Up With A New Improved Med Of That Would You Take It Or Be Okay, More
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,
A Hypothetical? What Side Effect Of Your Med, If You Could Get Rid Of, What Would It Be With Your Condition You Have Currently?