Hi Guys, Have Anyone Experienced Twitching Of Legs And Arms Just Before Falling Asleep In Conjunction With Clinic Tonic Seizures?
Adam has started to have seizures a year ago, before they were just once every 2 weeks and he would have one: then he started sodium valp and when once a month is time for the seizures to come, they will be many all in a row and there will be no chance for him to return conscious from post ictal phase: we then need to go to the hospital and get him sedated
Together with this deteriorating, he is now experiencing a twitching of his legs and arms as he falls asleep. He brakes my heart seeing him… read more
Yes, I ha e twitching of my legs and arms all day long..
I experience ticking and a lot of air movement out of my mouth and I tend to talk to myself a lot to get my auras in check and when I noticed this I tried to breathe out a lot and get my breath back in check sometimes I'll meditate if I notice that my brain is overstimulated because I need to get my breath down I need to get the cortisol or serotonin back in check. More oxygen to the brain is better than nothing at all and overthinking
I do all the time, told my neurologist and said it's Muscle spasms and restless leg syndrome and fiber neuropathy in my legs that I was diagnosed with years ago, but more severe now than prior
I have restless Right Leg, since taking XCopri for a year. Lasts a few minutes before sleep. Also, I have Right hand tapping which is a n aura. When I first started seizures, my Right Arm would shoot up. I only have focals, no tonic clonics.
Every once in awhile I may get Restless Legs and Arms Syndrome , reaction . But it’s very rare for me,.
In Generlized Tonic-clonic Seizures Does It Also Affect Your Legs ?
How Many Of You Have Tonic Seizures (not Tonic-Clonic) And Are You Aware While They Happen?
Help Identifying Seizure Type