Do You Have Any Habits That You Are Trying To Reduce In Your Life With, Be It Drinking Or Whatever And Going To Put Into Action Soon?
My seizures are still not under control so I’ve been really taking a hard look at my habits, or as I have come to think of it-the care I take of my body. I also have some other health issues so I’m really scrutinizing how I treat my body so it will be in good shape down the road. Not to mention I’m tired of feeling bad!
So the last couple of years:
Cut out soda after a lifetime of daily consumption.
Almost no junk food, processed food, fast food after lifetime of daily consumption
Almost completely cut out caffeine
Eat fruit daily which I never did before
Drastically reduced screen time
In bed by 9 and read a book until I’m tired
No sleep meds before bed
Almost no alcohol
Went back to my martial arts gym after 3 years out and since epilepsy
70-90oz water daily
No alcohol and cigarettes for Me!
My wife of going on 35 years this October, where she was born a day before me and I born seven years before her. She has helped me to get rid of my bad habits even before we got married.💘
Sugar and junk food but I think I've won the battle since I haven't had either since the end of March. Also feel better and lost some weight by getting rid of them. Yeah me!
I smoked tobacco from 12 to 24. I started because I could take them from the shelves of our family's supermarket. I quit at 24 just for the chance to get a date with a girl who I was introduced to. I am now 62 and never had another draw of tobacco since the day of quitting to get the chance for a date. She turned into my wife 7 days before she turned 21, 8 days before I turned 28 I am now 62 and we will never leave each others side forever.❤️
Having Our Own Conditions, Do You Plan On Doing Something You Felt Like Trying Out But Are Unsure Of Doing And Are Going To Try It Anyway?
A Hypothetical ? We Are Not Supposed To Drive, And Who We Are With Has A Med Emergency Driving And It's A Life Or Death Situation, Now What
As For Thanksgiving, It's A Traditional Meal With Ham And Turkey And The Sides That Go With It, But What If Go With Something Else Instead?